Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (765) 204-0657

  • About Dawné McCarty

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    My Story

    I am a wife and mother of six children (blended family). I began my college education a little late at 26, and ended up obtaining my masters in social work in 2002. During grad school I had gastric-bypass surgery and my first child. My ex-husband and I endured a long wait for pregnancy, trying for 12 years to have a child. Following her birth and our divorce, I married my best friend of 12 years and 18 months later we had a son.

    I have overcome many obstacles in my life including: homelessness at 14, familial alcoholism/addiction, morbid obesity, infertility, marriage and divorce, and battled severe post-partum depression.

    I have been married now for 16 years to the love of my life and best friend, Scott. We have three dogs (Cleo – golden, Meeska – husky and Quinnie – border collie). Two children still in the home – Joss (17) and Connor (15). Connor recently endured a major surgery to lengthen his leg due to Perthes Disease.

    Currently I am the behavioral health educator for a very busy and large crisis department. I have been a crisis therapist for over 14 years and have provided counseling since 2005.

    I love hard, listen closely, and practice a lot of self care and to have a fulfilled life.

    My Mission

    The mission of Healing Conversations, LLC is to provide affordable, professional, and highly effective private counseling services to individuals and families of diverse backgrounds dealing with a variety of life issues. To offer mental health services that provide knowledge and empowerment to clients, therefore providing them the opportunity to make informed choices about changes in their thought and/or behavior patterns.

    Why Choose Healing Conversations?

    You may be someone who wants to be empowered; someone who wants hope. You may need someone to talk to that will listen to you objectively and without judgment. Someone to help you overcome your obstacles or at least help you gain control of your life. In a time when turmoil, chaos, and uncertainty is running high, you may want to know that there is hope for a better future and that you can change! Compassionate, effective, and efficient care is always the goal as you are provided with specialized services that fit your specific needs.

    My Commitment

    • 100% confidentiality
    • Personalized care specific to your concerns and needs
    • A comfortable compassionate environment free of judgement and criticism
    • Attentive, active listening with feedback
    • An experienced knowledgeable clinician
    • Excellent client service
    • Referrals to other qualified professionals
    • Affordable care

    Create your own story

    As individuals, we all have the capacity to feel great about ourselves, our relationships, and the world we create for ourselves. Identifying those issues that hinder us from experiencing this level of contentment and satisfaction, such as internal struggles, dysfunctional relationships, unhealthy thoughts, or misleading behavioral patterns is paramount to us regaining control of our stories and ultimately our lives, which is our ultimate goal. This is the start of a chapter and a new beginning for your life’s story. My goal is to unveil your potential and what you have been looking for within yourself and help you and/or your family narrate a better, more positive, fulfilling, and sustaining story.

    At Healing Conversations, LLC in Anderson, I am here to listen to what you have to say and to give you the tools necessary to reach your goal(s). Counseling is about giving new outlooks, but the ultimate goal is achieved within and by the client. I am here to encourage my clients as well as inspire them to hope in their future and the possibilities on the horizon. I believe that every person is special and needs a chance to shine and become the person they were destined to be.

    I look forward to meeting you, working with you, and being on the journey with you as you grow emotionally, spiritually, and mentally until you are ready to stand on your own; showing the world your new and improved life story, authored by YOU!!!!

    Reach Out Today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

    By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Brighter Vision harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.